Who Loves Pooping? I do! I do!

Josh gave Evan this "I Love Pooping" shirt and it ended up being a self fulfilling prophesy. I'm not even kidding, he pooped in it within 3 MINUTES of putting it on him. So I took it off, put on a fresh onesie and guess what... he did it again! He pooped so much. I had to to soak them like I do a few outfits each day and they're currently hanging in the shower. Thank you, dear Josh. Poooop.


Weekend at Grandmom's and PopPop's

Mike was away in Atlanta for the week so I stayed in NJ with my family. Here are some pics... Oh yeah, and he rolled from his side to his back for the first time. I made him recap the roll today... over and over. He did it 5x before he was like "enough already, ma!"

Aunt Brittany reading the "I am a bunny" book (brought over by Aunt Wanda and Sarah) to Evan. She made up her own story, because she can't read. Evan LOVED the colorful pictures and "talked" the whole time Brittany read. The kid is already very vocal.

Fancy Pants in his tuxedo t-shirt:

At a candy shop on the OC boardwalk... This is the first time Evan's been on the boardwalk since he was in utero!


Evan Smiles with Daddy

Evan's has really started to have a variety of facial expressions. Here he shows that he can smile on command. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Einstein couldn't do that until he was 13 weeks old. Evan is the smartest 11 week old ever!


Evan Loves His Toys

This is Steph writing under Mike's name. I entertain Evan by placing him on the floor of the bathroom in his bouncy seat with some toys while I take a shower. The poor little guy is going to have years of therapy ahead of him since he sees me get out of the shower... PLUS he hears me singing while I'm in there. You can see he's sleepy-eyed in this movie. He started to cry at the end, so I fed him and put him down for his nap. Poor little monkey.


Evan at 2 months old

Ooops. We missed the mark by a couple of weeks, but we'll make sure we're on the ball with taking his monthly picture with his bear on time from now on.

Evan's Pals

Evan had over some friends this weekend (and their parents too)

Toni and Chuck with Jake (8 months old):

Allen and Trish with their beautiful little girl, Maeve (9 months old):


Vaccinations - Booooo!

Evan had his first vaccinations recently, and they go right to the top of his dislikes list. Even Ernie on his diaper looks sad! At least he got the super sweet Garfield band-aid when the doctor was finished. All the babies on the block were all like "Ah SNAP! What's that?" And Evan was like "Step off, Yo! I'm rolling with Garfield."


Baby Blues

Friday night, I met Steph and her parents right after work for dinner. Evan got a little fussy, so I walked him around the restaurant and bar a little bit. All these chicks came up and were talking to us, and I thought ..."Man, I'm on fire tonight! I must look good in this shirt and tie." One look at this picture, and I'm reminded exactly who was on fire Friday night. They were not running over to talk to me...and Evan loves it!

Mel and Elizabeth hanging out with Evan at the famous Tun Tavern in Atlantic City on Sunday. Elizabeth liked tickling Evan's little feet, and helped Steph by giving Evan his bottle. Dan and Mike were at Beer Fest working on their bottles.


Chris and Uncle Tom!

We got pictures of Evan with Steph's Uncle Tom and cousin Chris while we were home for Brittany's birthday this weekend. Chris lives in Virgina and this was his first time meeting Evan! I think Evan was giving him a special gift via his diaper as this shot was taken.


Evan's Cool Outfit

Evan got the cutest outfit from our friend Jen Balsama. We thought we'd show it to you here.


Evan's Saturday

Becky and Chris came to visit today and we (Mike, Evan, Bec, Chris and I) took a walky down Main Street. Evan loves Becky and smiled at her (and he's only smiled at me, Mike and PopPop Cronin before that). She even changed his diaper, but refused to button his complicated outfit. Our toilet handle broke when they were over and now we have to flush by lifting up the lid. Poooop.


Hey Now...

Evan's dreaming of a milk wonderland. Those aren't filled with milk, buddy... more like nasty silicone (written by mommy under Mike's name).