Pre-Mothers Day Celebration

Mike and Evan surprised me this morning... Evan was wearing a shirt Daddy bought that said 'Mom' on it - like a tattoo. Mike also bought him a pair of jeans, but we had to change them because they were too big. I'm sure Evan will fit into them by next week, he's growing so fast - approaching 4 months! We had brunch at Cuba Libre and then walked around the gay awareness festival in old city. It felt so wierd walking around Mike's old neighborhood where we used to go running, or grab a bite to eat from his apartment... or get a drink... or two... or three. Now we have to pack all the baby stuff and drive there. We were also so worried - is Evan too cold? Is it too noisy for him? I had forgotten a blanket for him and took the fleece out of his carrier. Bad idea. I had no idea it was going to be chilly today. Everything is different now with the baby and so much better! It's so much fun watching his reaction to different surroundings and people. He's so outgoing and friendly with everyone. I'm so proud of our little guy!!!

Mike's Note: Yes, that is baby puke on the collar of my shirt. Running late for our reservation, I took Evan so Mommy could finish getting ready. Two seconds after I picked him up...blaaahhhhh, all over my shirt - and then he smiled at me! The little stinker knows his stuff.