Ziggy Updates

I'm sorry, my dear sister. I haven't updated this in a long time. I hope this makes up for all of those lonely Evanless days. He's been practicing his stinker face and pushing out some more teeth for when he sees you this weekend.

Awww. Beautiful face. This is Evan at the crabcake place is Somers Point.

Evan in his room. Just kidding! It's only his fort. He hunkers down and when you say "where's Evan?" he pops up like a jack-in-the-box.

Here he is playing with grandmom outside. Afterward we had to change his wet clothes (he got into the bird bath) and scrub his hands and feet. We had taken off his shoes and let him squish his little feet in the dirt. He walks like a champ now (thank God!!!)

Evan now has 7 full teeth and four more that have just broken through the gums. Needless to say he's drooling like crazy and has had a lousy appetite. He does like ice cream now, which is good I guess. He's been quite the social butterfly lately and we made lots of friends at our Mommy & Me class which unfortunately ended for the summer on Tuesday. I was so mad because we had a picnic and group picture during the last class and I forgot to put the battery back in the camera. So I had the camera in it's case at class, with the battery charging at home. The cool thing is that we see our friends at the playground all the time. Evan has even been going backwards down the one slide by himself. Here's the list of stuff he says now:

There it is!
Nah (no)
Waffle (or at least something that sounds like waffle when he's eating it)
Eee Eee (monkey sounds)
Uh-oh! (he says this constantly, ALWAYS after throwing something. Then he gives stinker face to me and shakes his head no (mirroring what I do when he throws stuff)

When you ask him who his cousin is, he says "at" which I guess is his version of "jack".

He knows his eyes, ears, head, nose, mouth, teeth, feet and hands and points to them when you ask, but sometimes confuses ears and eyes. He LOVES sticking his pointy little fingernail in your belly button. He pushes around his toy cars and says rrrrrrrrrr! as he's doing it.

Look at the beautiful lips. People pay big bucks for a mouth like that.

The doctor at his 15 month baby well visit says he's tall and thin and is in the 91st percentile for height and only in the 1st percentile for weight. This scared me, but the doctor wasn't too concerned. Needless to say, I'm constantly shoving food at him to get his weight up. She also said he's a beautiful baby, which we all know.