Evan said, "Oooh, this is lovely. Can I borrow it, mommy? Peas?". Hands off mommy's underwear, Ev. The other menfolk were drinking at the bar during the shower.
During the shower Evan and Elizabeth went swimming in the bay right in back of the restaurant. Evan had no pants on and it was so cute to look out the windows and see his little naked hiney wading in the water (I'm sure the other patrons were not as amused). Mel (Elizabeth's mom) is pretty awesome. She always has a bathing suit for Elizabeth in the car, as well as other essentials. Elizabeth & Evan are pretty good to party or hang out anywhere. Thank God, because we don't stay home often and we bring Evers EVERYWHERE with us. Here's Becky with her pants on.
After the shower we all hung out on the little beach until the gnats attacked. That's Olivia, Samantha, Jessica & Janice on the dock. In the front is the back of Aunt Chicky and my dad's heads.
Here's good ol' Uncle JoJo being drunk again. Just kidding. I don't have an Uncle JoJo.
Here's Aunt Pat, Mike's Ma and Aunt Ella.
Here's my Godmother - Aunt Chicky.
And here's my Becky again.
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