Noah is 4 mos. old!

The official shot.

Then we turned on the light.

And Mike takes over the camera...

He's so happy!


Much better.

The weight of the world is on his shoulders. This kid's face is so expressive you know his exact mood.

Noah's been rolling all around. And today he officially rolled from his belly to his back. He's only gone from back to belly until today. His peach fuzz is growing in and seems dark. His eye color is to be determined. Right now it's sometimes blue, sometimes gray, light in the middle with a darker ring around the iris, but babies' eyes change all the time. It supposedly becomes more official between 9-12 mos, but even then... According to my parents I had blue eyes as an infant and now they're brown so who knows. Evan's coloring and features changed a lot between birth and 2 years. Then he looked like the Evan we know today. All we know is that Noah is super cute and that Mike and I make beautiful babies.

Speaking of gorgeous eyes. Brit's were once blue... now they're green, blue, sometimes gray, depending on what she's wearing. I think they're officially green. My dad's are the same color, but he calls them hazel.

Beautiful, beautiful sister. Check out those peepers!

That app alone is reason enough to buy an iphone.

Here she is hanging out. Nothing special here. But her Photoshop skills are remarkable (unless that's an app too).

Shouldn't you be working at work, Sister?