Hey, this is Steph now. I had NO idea that Evan was dancing onstage. I was sitting with Mel, eating my salad, wondering where my baby boy was at 9:30 pm when he's usually asleep by 7:30. Daddy had him with crazy Sir Rod. Funny thing was, Evan came back to the table with wide eyes and smiles (and he's usually VERY cranky when he's tired). Mike, Ev and I walked back to the car and I fed him as we looked out at the beautiful bay with the lights on the water. It really was a magical day with the turtles and Sir Rod.
Evan and I even walked out on the private docks earlier in the night (we pretended that we lived in the condos next to Lighthouse Point). On the way out of the bar, Evan and I had our hands stamped. It looked so badass next to Ev's Sponge Bob tattoo. Evan LOVES Sponge Bob, just like his second cousin Sarah. The SpongeBob music makes him laugh. Not laugh like when he sees chickens, but still is so funny to see. Anyway, people were barbequeing on the docks next to their boats and the sun was setting on the bay. It was so beautiful and Evan stared out at the water and sky as I explained to him that his mommy spent many days on that very water on his PopPop's boat. I think my first boat ride was when I was a month old or something. Between his daddy 's and my love of the beach and bay, Ev will definitely be a shore boy.
Evan's like 'What the..???' I think he's confused here because he and Sir Rod have the same hairdo. This was taken when we first got there.
Here's Elizabeth and Evan hanging at the bar. Can you tell that we were all dancing around, trying to get them to both smile at the camera at the same time? It never happened.
Daddy and Evan jammin to Sir Rod:
Ev dancing onstage:
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