Wild Weekend cont...

Ya, so then Brittany, Evan and I drove from NYC to South Jersey to go to Sarah and Chris's birthday and to hang out with the family. Mike meanwhile was taking a flight out to New Orleans the next day. When we pulled up to my ma's there was this ghost balloon under the house light. It was so spooky in the dark and the rain. hehehe. See the balloon below when we brought it inside the next day.

Happy Birthday toooo yoooou!

I made this wonderful cake for them. Just kidding. I ate it, but I didn't make it. The next day I walked over for more.

Here's at the birthday on Friday night... Evan and my cousin Jeff.

Evan loves pointing to eyes. Good thing Aunt Donna has her safety glasses on.

There's always a Halloween theme for Chris and Sarah's bdays, so Aunt Wanda broke out the glow sticks. The flash totally washes out the glow, but we had the lights off here.

Brittany's doing her glow stick dance.

Here's Evan eating his dinner. We keep him on a very strict glowstick diet.

Jessica's putting a glow stick in Olivia's chicken mouth. Take note of this chicken hood. It will appear again on Halloween, but I have to get the pics from my momma.

Olivia also tried on Evan's chicken costume.

Evan and Sarah are opening gifts.

Here's the next day. Evan's wearing his skeleton sweatshirt from Aunt Kelly, Uncle Mike & Jack. He's eating our subway card from New York. I gave the card to my mom for the next time she visits Brittany. Too bad it has some toothie marks now.

And the ghostie balloon! Ooooo... spooky!

I'll leave you with this disturbing photo.

So now we're going to leave for Key West. Stay tuned for those pics and our Halloween photos (they're on my mom's camera. I thought I lost ours, but it was in the diaper bag the whole time).