Evan's eating habits (and shoes)

Ever since this current batch of teeth have been coming in, Evan's barely eaten anything except for Starbucks pumpkin loaf (only available in PA from what I understand). Sometimes he'll go crazy for pancakes, blueberries, pizza, raisins, the next day - nothing. It's very scary for Mike and I since Evan's so tall and skinny for his age.

One day we stopped to get him ice cream (which he did NOT eat). The owner of the store gave Evan free homemade cookies because he was cute and she felt bad for us. Evan enjoyed flirting with the 2 Russian girls that worked there.

Actually, one day he did eat an entire slice of pizza except for the crust. Here's a rare moment for us at Grotto pizza.

Oh yeah... except for one night when we went out to dinner at Zogg's with one of Mike's coworkers and his family. Then Evan ate grouper, tomatoes, oranges, and my taco shell! He did this right after we told them that Evan doesn't eat anymore.

Here's Zogg's where Evan had his feast. This is the first night we went and he ate nothing. The next night with Mike's coworker & family was when he ate like a champ.

Evan's having a beer while Mike drinks a cool cup of soy milk. Notice the black, hi-top Chuck Taylors he's wearing? I bought them at the outlets a few miles down the street from downtown Rehoboth. They're his second pair of Converses. My sister bought him a pair of red ones that he outgrew at 6 months. Ever since I wanted to get him another pair. I brought Evan into the store to try them on during his nap as he was sleeping! I'm such a bad mommy...