Last Friday Evan and I took the 9 bus downtown to see the tree at City Hall as shop at the Christmas Village there. Then we had lunch and took hung out at Rittenhouse Square. It was Evan's first Septa ride and he was so excited to be on the bus. Until a crazy guy got on and sat next to us. His breath stunk like beer and he kept trying to chat it up with Evan. Then he started singing some bluesy songs at the top of his lungs to the poor kid "One day yer going to wish ya listened to what I hafta say!!!" It was priceless to watch a 2 year old completely avoid eye contact with someone. I was starting to get really pissed and the two of us so relieved when the guy got off the bus. We waited about a half hour for a bus when we were ready to go home. Damn Septa.
Saturday I cleaned the house and decorated for Christmas while Evan and Mike met Dan, Elizabeth and some of Dan's nieces and nephews to see the Phanataclaus and Swoop then go to Chicky & Pete's for lunch (see previous post). It started snowing in the afternoon and my crazy, hormonal, pregnant mind kept freaking out over the snow, imagining them not coming home. I was so freaked out, I kept furiously cleaning until they arrived. Evan was asleep with candy cane all over his mouth. I was so relieved! I've been such a nut lately.
We let Evan sleep for a couple of hours then woke him up so that we could search for a Christmas tree! By now we had a few inches of snow and it was still coming down. We went down to Henry Ave. and let Evan pick out the tree. He kept yelling "It's snowing - yayyyyy!". It was pretty magical and Christmassy. We then returned home to decorate it and bake cookies. Our exhausted baby went to bed at 9:30, only to rise bright and early the next morning when my parents came and picked us up to go to Strasburg RR to ride Thomas the Tank Engine.
It was a long drive and we spent all day there in the frigid cold and rode about a hundred different trains, but Evan absolutely loved it. We even ran into one of his playdate friends there. We returned and were beyond tired, but decided to go out to dinner with my parents at the local bar down the street. That night the 4 of us (including Sandocia) fell sound asleep immediately.
This is the morning of Thomas while Mike was in Dunkin Donuts. Evan made Pop read him a Christmas book Danielle, Mark, Colin and Avery got him last year. It has this cool wheel thing on each page that changes the pictures and he loves it.
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