Play All Day!
That's what Evan sings every time Aunt Brittany comes to visit. Thankfully Brittany has been helping us out big time. She came over 2 weekends in a row and took off 2 days of work. She's been my slave girl, taking Noah in the middle of night after a feeding when he's having a hard time falling back to sleep. She takes Evan to the park, puts him down for naps and bedtime, gets him dressed in the morning. I wish she could just live with us, but unfortunately she has a life in Brooklyn. Poop. Here are some Aunt Brittany highlights...
First of all cute hands.
And feet!
Cute baby!
Brittany and Noah joined us at Evan's school for the Mother's Day Tea! There the kids sang a bunch of songs to their mommies. Then we all sat down for tea and snacks. I learned from Evan's teachers that Evan eats foods at school all the time that he never eats at home - like cream cheese and strawberries on cinnamon sugar graham crackers! Just when you think you know someone...
Carrying my big boy like a baby after the Mother's Day Tea.
We walked to the Adobe Cafe one night for Mexican (Evan loves the guacamole). It was beautiful eating outside, but it was one of those crazy nights when Noah nursed the entire time and Evan just wanted to dance with Aunt Brittany on the sidewalk. Here they are on Main St. at Le Bus for lunch after Noah's 2nd doctor visit.
Let me tell you about the doctor visit. The doctor tells us before Noah's weigh-in that normally strictly breast-fed babies loose some weight in the first couple of weeks. I didn't think anything of it remembering van had lost some weight at first. So then she weighed Noah- and he had gained 2 lbs since his birth! What a little piggy
At his doctor visit...
Dr. Cronin looks at Noah's stats on the computer.
Last night the boys (Mike, Evan and Noah) hung out on the porch with Stephanie, Brandon and their friends.
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