Shaun's First Christmas

With Santa in a life guard boat.

Shaun looks for a Christmas tree. See how hard he's looking?

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Noah constantly walked around the house wearing a santa hat, holding a red gift box. He'd say in his deepest voice, "Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas! Do you want a present?" When you opened it, it either had nothing or an Imaginext action figure. I was so sad packing up the santa hat in the Christmas decoration box.

Mima and PoPo visited too! And gave the boys lots and lots of presents.

We went to Cape May and our favorite restaurant - Lucky Bones with Mima and PoPo. Guess who was there - Santa! We've visited so many santas - at least 8- this year that Evan got suspicious and I had to explain the whole 'Santa's Helper' concept. One Saturday we had breakfast with Santa with the aunties and cousins, then drove to the mall to sit on Santa's lap. Mall Santa looked very different from the restaurant Santa.

Another Day, another Santa Claus.

We had Aunt Brittany and Uncle Josh sleep over Christmas Eve after Aunt Ella's party. They cleaned up the house while we were at church that night too... More pictures of Christmas morning coming soon. I'll have to get them off my mom's camera because I only took a few in all of the chaos.

Here's our happy Shaunie before the whole family got a really bad cold. Everyone but me!