ziggy updates

So here's the latest on our baby boy. He's been taking steps! He hasn't just taken off, but he takes steps now and again. He still really prefers to crawl because he gets where he wants to go much faster that way, but hey! Also, Ziggy loves oranges. Last week it was blueberries and grapes and he couldn't get enough of them. I think he ate a little too much and now he only tolerates them. However, he'll eat a whole orange now, no problem. He's been completely sleeping through the night and goes down for his naps instantly. He'll answer "yes" to your questions (although, I don't think he understands what 'yes' means). He says "banana". When you ask what the doggy says he replies "woof". Sometimes he'll hiss when you ask him what the snake says and he'll growl when you ask him what a tiger says. He loves to push his trucks around and make engine noises as he's doing it. He loves his 'mommy and me' classes, especially any of the exercises that involve the parachute. Even though the kids are a bit older, he gets along with everyone- today he wrestled with another kid and they were cracking up. so cute! oh yeah... the back of his head is curly now. I'm never going to cut it. He'll look like Kate Hudson's kid. Just kidding... I won't go that far. Also, today the girl at Starbucks gave me a FREE piece of low-fat lemon raspberry cake because Evan is beautiful and made eyes at her. Not a sample, a whole piece! Thank you, Evan.

Here's a superbowl pic before we visited our neighbors during the big game. Guess who won Mike's superbowl prop thing - ME! I better get a good prize.

and last year... awwww!
