So last night on Christmas Eve. My mom, Brittany, Evan, Aunt Donna & Olivia went to the childrens' mass at St. Casimir's. Evan had a great time talking to the little boy in front of us. After that, Brit, Evan and I walked over to Aunt Wanda & Uncle Larry's to go "caroling". I then drove to Atlantic City to pick up Mike from the train station. We got back to my parents and walked over to Aunt Ella's for dinner. There were like 20 people crammed in her house and Evan stole the crystal baby Jesus from one of the nativities. We all walked home 5 lbs heavier. When we got back to my parents' house, Evan put out milk & cookies for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer. We read some Christmas stories, said our prayers and woke up to presents on Christmas morning! Aunt Ella walked over for breakfast and Josh came up later in the day... My mom made dinner for the entire family. We all played Apples to Apples (Aunt Donna and my mom's team cheated and still didn't win). Right now it's the day after Christmas and we're all in a sugar coma in our pjs, still shoving down cookies and chocolate covered pretzels. Everyone but Mike that is. He went running on the boardwalk. It's been a whirlwind so far, but that's how our holidays usually are and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Christmas Eve:
Evan is so tired here. Too much Christmas Cheer.
Cookies and milk for Santa, carrot for Rudolph
Christmas morning!
Time for nap!
Okay... Now it's 2 days after Christmas. My parents left for vacation at Charleston, SC and Evan, Brit, Mike and I were supposed to have left, but we all decided to stay to take advantage of the warm weather. Today we went to the boardwalk (Evan and Josh too). Josh left for NY this afternoon. Tonight Mike and I went on a date at the Lobster House because we had gift certificates from Aunt Ella and because it's one of my favorite places on earth. We then walked around Washington Mall, went through Congress Hall and had a drink at the Ugly Mug. Brittany watched Evan and the two of them had a few visitors... Aunt Wanda, Sarah and Becky all came over to play. This is what we found when we came home, courtesy of Becky...
Very cute!
Here's another pic that has nothing to do with tonight, but it's so cute that I had to post it...
And this is another random one. This is what Evan does when you ask him to show his muscles. He actually starts shaking! We often wonder if he's having a seizure or not.
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