Uncle Larry busting a groove. Just picture that Kylie Minogue song playing in the background "La La La La La La La La"
And my husband! O dear God
Young Lovers.
Chris looks on jealously
And the old gang. If this was 20 years ago, we would've all broke out into wrestle mania and Ryan would've ran off crying because Becky had taken it a step too far and kicked him in the face.
Then we all went back to house that everyone was renting and pulled Santa Claus and a few other mannequins out of the basement. Becky and Ryan set him up at their parents' door for a little morning surprise, thus starting an all-out Holden war.
Bob wasn't pleased to have Father Christmas fall on him the next morning. Santa looks so sad and beaten here. He's like - Enough, Holdens. Please set me back up in my home in the basement.
Just like old times!
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