A close-up of pure cuteness. But, notice... no smile.
Ya, he's been in a terrible mood these last few days. I literally have to carry him around the house. And he just cries and cries and cries. And he's up all night. Is it a tooth? Maybe.
Brother time before Ev's haircut. Noah snagged Evan's drink.
Post haircut.
And this is a picture that Evan took of me and Noah. What a photographer!
And Evan getting a haircut where his PopPop has been getting a haircut for maybe a hundred years now. Mike goes there too now. It's literally a 30 second walk from our house. Noah dragged his pacifer there on the ground and it was covered in hair! yuck
Besides the constant fussiness, which is very unusual for our NoNo, we've had a lot of milestones this month. He climbs the steps every chance he gets, he pushes his little walker around the house now, he claps his hands all the time. He'll talk to you too. At first I thought he was saying, "Yayayayay." with an occasional dada or baba thrown in. But then I realized it was more like "Wawawawa" instead of yaya. Then he moves his mouth like he's saying it, but with nothing coming out. No Mamas at all. He's been eating different things now too. Like mushed up homemade chicken rice soup, guacamole, ground up whole wheat pasta with spinach and olive oil, scrambled eggs... And he keeps getting cuter and cuter.
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