I had to give him the remote to make him sit down. He kept standing up and walking toward me, trying to grab the camera.
And he's down!
He only walks by himself if he REALLY wants something. Mostly he'll grab your hand and make you walk him around the house, or take his little push cars. Crawling just pisses him off now. He'll do it while complaining the whole time, "ehhhhh. Eh! EHHH!" Then he curses in Spanish. Actually, he's teething and when he's furiously biting something, he makes noises that sound like the Tazmanian Devil. It is so funny.
This is what we did later in the day...
So our Noah has been formula fed since the day he turned 9 months. No more pumping, no more nursing - it's all done. It's a blessing and a curse for someone like me who breastfed Evan for 2 years and change. Not that I would ever want to go that long again, but I was trying with all my might to do it for a year. But then Noah got some colds and some teeth and he would refuse to nurse. And we had such a nice system going before that where he would nurse first then he was supplemented with formula. I could pick which way he ate depending on if we were at home or out and about. It was really great because I could have that closeness with him, but at the same time he could be babysat for long periods of time and I'm not biting my fingernails to get back and nurse him. But now instead of getting him up in the morning and quietly rocking him in the glider as he eats, I have to rush downstairs, warm up water, measure, measure, shake shake. Not too mention it's very expensive. Actually, I should just shut up now because Noah and Evan are with my parents and sister right now - and they were last night too when we took a limo to AC!
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