So sick of stupid winter

So we all just recovered from ebola and numerous colds. We're out and about again. So happy to be out of the house... Mike, Evan, Uncle Dan, Uncle Larry and Uncle Dan's cousin Chuck all went to the midget races in AC. Evan and Mike came home from that literally at midnight because Evan didn't want to leave. Mike said he was sitting on the edge of his seat - cars were crashing right below them! Then we had Becky and Chris's shower the next day, the we celebrated a belated birthday for my dad on Sunday. It was busy. After eating birthday dinner at the restaurant/bar down the street of my parent's house, Brittany put Evan in our car and he was shivering like crazy. We brought him home and he was burning up with a fever. Haven't we all suffered enough? Here are some happier winter moments...

Cute babies

Chillin in the minivan.

Evan likes to race Noah around my parents'house.

Noah says, "Ma! I can't move!"

Snow time!

Mike was away so we stayed at my parents' house. I'm wearing my dad's ski jacket and some scraps I found around the house. My hair is dredlocking and I'm pretty sure I didn't brush my teeth that morning.

Every kid needs hot chocolate after snow time.

Watching tv with PoP.


Ok. It was fun. Please hurry spring.