And I love this one especially...
There obviously isn't primping before my picture taking or touch-ups afterward. I should probably start, right? But then you wouldn't get my slightly fuzzy, completely hilarious pictures like the one above. And that would be a damn shame.
Noah with Grandma
Noah pumps himself up before the party by climbing up on his chair. He's a big climber now... the couch, beds...
I'm King of the Mountain!
Now for the party! Sarah sasses the camera.
Noah's date was his girl Amelia. I can't believe next year at this time she's going to be running around like Noah is now.
Proud MomMom
Proud PopPop
Evan wears his party animal shirt and picks his wedgie with Olivia.
The guys hang out.
And the ladies. Oh wait, Bob's there too. He's always near his beautiful little grandbaby.
Brittany holds Amelia. Bob makes sure she doesn't drop her.
Mike had a some betting going on since it was the Kentucky Derby. The crowd heads inside for the race and guess who won the pot - my dad! Evan wears the plastic protectors from Noah's Kitty Cat Keyboard. Let's guess who got it for him.
And back outside...
Watch out! Here he comes... Missing a shoe.
And the guys again. Evan looks like such a big boy. If you stand behind the banners, the lettering looks like Hebrew. I noticed that on my birthday.
Noah's Noah Ark cake!
Noah takes a bite and isn't so sure.
Evan starts going in...
And goes in for the kill!
Both boys lose interest after a few bites, but not me!
Me with my piggy face. The cake was so good - the same one as our wedding cake!
I don't have any pictures of this, but sometime after midnight, after countless beers, Uncle Larry did a reenactment of something that happened at his work. It's called The Mouse and it was hilarious. It involved a sound like this, "Eeeeeeeee!". The best part was the look of horror on Aunt Wanda and Sarah's faces during it. Priceless. Oh Uncle Larry, you made Noah's birthday for me!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NONO! You are as cute as a button and we love you lots. AND we love you, family and friends!!!
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