And Noah looking up.
Noah being Noah.
Our Noah has been pacifier free for a month now - although I'm sure if I brought one back out he'd gladly take it. He's been putting more stuff in his mouth now that it's gone - even his hands. He's still not much of a talker, but he does make animal noises. If you ask him to roar like a lion he'll growl, if you ask him what the snake says he hisses, he'll blow raspberries as a horse noise and makes a little whinny. He ticks tocks like clock if you ask him, but it sounds like "ghi-gha'. If you ask him to say ANY other word other than animals or clock sounds he'll respond, "Bah-bah". And he's very polite. He'll thank you for everything, "GA ga". If I hand him something I used to ask him to say thank you and that's what I got. Now he automatically does it. He walks around the house singing nonsense words. He's also a great helper. When I tell him to put toys away, he'll do it. If I ask him to close the fridge door he'll do it. I'll point to a piece of trash and ask him to throw it away and he'll pick it up and put it in the trash can. And he's fearless. Nothing phases him, not falling and getting hurt, boardwalk rides, he only cries when he's hungry or tired... Mike and I were at a restaurant one night and the song Iron Man played and we both decided that Iron Man was an excellent name for Noah.
At Noah's 15 month doctor visit, I found out that Noah's in the 70s percentile for height, but only the 25th for weight. I was instantly concerned. We've always considered him to be our little chunker, especially after our long, lanky Evan who was actually in the 90s for height at one point and 1% for weight! But apparently Noah's lanky too. The doctor quickly put my mind at ease after I was like, "But he eats A LOT! How can his weight be so low? He does poop a lot..." The doctor said everything is absolutely FINE and that there's much more to a toddler's weight than food intake. He explained metabolism and genetics are what determines weight. Noah's tall and extremely physical and the doctor said it's not a bad thing to be tall and thin. Well, the kids definitely didn't get that trait from me. That's from the Cronin side.
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