Night Out

One National Night Out we hung out with the aunties, uncles and cousins for some rides, free food and fireworks while our Mike was away on business. Noah fell asleep on the way there. He slept in his stroller with my mom and the aunties so I got some one on one time with Evan which is rare these days. Rare for both of my boys. There was this huge bouncy thing where 2 kids can race. It's identical on each side. They each go through a bouncy obstacle course, climb up bouncy stairs and slide down a huge bouncy slide. Evan did it and won! We played games, chatted it up with Santa Clause in his summer clothes, and sat in an army jeep, danced at the dj pavilion (with Noah who was up at this point).

We were in mid dance - Noah was grooving to the music with the strobe lights flashing when the fireworks started. The music instantly stopped and Noah jumped. I picked him up and he was shaking! I've never seen him afraid of anything. I brought him back to our chairs and he snuggled against me the entire time. He didn't cry, but he absolutely refused to look at the firework display. Once he briefly glanced over and then turned immediately away, facing Aunt Genie who was rubbing his little arm. So our little guy is actually afraid of something... Our poor baby!

After the fireworks, Noah was Noah again.

Noah hangs out with Livvy, relieved the fireworks are over.

Time to go home - Good night!