Evan plays legos with Pop.
The boys eat their lollipop lips from Valentines Day.
Noah takes a drink and...
Evan borrows Noah's cup for a drink too.
Noah passed out on Pop's lap.
My mom bought special markers that write on glass and you can erase off. The boys pose by their artwork.
At the arcade.
The boys hang out with the girl they love.
Evan and Noah have an intense game of air hockey.
I have a cute story too. I was getting dressed one morning. It was one of those 65 degree winter days so I turned off the heat opened all the windows to take advantage of the weather. The boys were in Evan's room, whose one window faces Mr. Back's house and their friends' Chaeli and Jonny's backyard. Evan and Noah were standing on the emergency ladder box shouting to our neighbors. I heard Evan yell from the window, "HI CHAELI! HI JONNY!" The neighbors yelled in response. Noah kept yelling too, "BAAAAAH! BAH! BAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Then Evan, "CHAELI! YOU LOOK PRETTY TODAY!" I didn't hear it at the time, but Chaeli's response was, "THANK YOU! YOU LOOK HANDSOME TODAY!" Evan yelled back, "THANK YOU!" Then Noah, "BAHHHHHHHHHH!" Their mom, Shannon was now in the back yard too. Now dressed, I joined the boys at the window while Shannon was asking the boys if they wanted to come to the yard to play. Noah - "BAH!" So we ran over and got all dirty in the mud before school.
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