Sir Rod

I'm catching up on this stuff from 2 weekends ago due to 2 internetless/phoneless weeks. Here's the long awaited Sir Rod pics with Me, Evan, Mike, my parents, Mel, Dan, Elizabeth, Mel's parents and a bunch of Dan & Mel's friends. One of their friends had this little boy who was only 2 and a half years old, but looked like 4. It was amazing... I've never seen a child that age look so grown up - like he was ready for Kindergarten! Anyway, Mel made these shirts for Evan and Elizabeth.

Evan isn't missing a leg here. It's just tucked funny.

And now for some video. There's a lot because I couldn't decide what to post. As you can see it was one late night for Elizabeth, Evan and group. But that's sorta the way our summer has been going.

Here's some dancing with Sir Rod. Elizabeth was tearing up and even won a hula hoop contest! I entered and did not win. I'm not posting that footage.

Here he is onstage

Some late night dancing after a meal of crab bisque soup. Evan loves his soup.