Our little boy has been on a whirlwind schedule for the last couple of weeks. Last week we went the YMCA on Tuesday, then to our weekly gym class on Wed. and then Marti and her baby, Maggie, picked us up so we could meet some old friends at Tyler School of Arts new opening reception on North Broad St. (they finally moved our school). It was bittersweet. The new space was super nice and hi-tech, but I will always love our old campus on the edge of the city. Maggie and Evan were such a hit. I don't think nearly as many people would've talked to us that night if it wasn't for our beautiful children. It was a late night for the kids, but so great to get some of the old gang together.
The next day we met Jin and Jacey at Barnes & Noble for story hour and lunch. Friday we had a dinner play date at Evan's friend, Audrey's house. We walked to and from there because it was such a beautiful night. I cleaned the house on Saturday and caught up on laundry because Evan's Aunt Brittany came to stay on Sunday and Monday (Evan jumped on the moonbounce in the basement with mike while I cleaned - it was raining). I was able to get our taxes together AND Mike and I went out on a date on Sunday night at Monk's downtown (I haven't been there for years and had no idea it had such great vegetarian stuff on the menu). Thank you, Brittany for helping us out!!! I dropped Brit off at the bus station on Mon night... Then Evan's gym class again on Wed. Also, since Mike left for NYC for a business trip on Wed, we invited Audrey over for another dinner/playdate. Thankfully, she is about a 15 minute walk from our house and her dad travels often like Mike, so it's great to do dinner play dates with her and her mom.
Today we met Jacey and Jin at B&N for another story hour and lunch. We left at Evan's naptime and drove directly to my parents' house. Speaking of Jacey... She just turned 3 a few months ago and she can READ! She was picking up any book she could get her hands on and reading everything word for word. Words like "spiderlings" and "magenta". Probably better than a second grader. It was truly incredible. Jin told me Jacey could read a couple of hundred words by 18 mos. and that her instructors at Gymboree recommended that she takes those tests for gifted children. Plus, Jacey is learning Korean and can actually sing several songs in Korean. I'm so amazed by that little girl.
Now that we're at my parents', I think Evan has graduated from his pack n' play bed. He likes sleeping on the trundles of my sister's bed and the bed in my old room much better. He gets really upset if you put him in the baby bed. He likes having a pillow and being a big boy. Which is fine with me. The old pack n' play is such a pain to set up. Then we have to turn on the hall light and crack the door a couple of inches. Then he's out in a few minutes - sound asleep. Also, he's been great with the potty. He pooped in the little plastic potty we have downstairs in the living room of our house. I set it up in his Thomas tent that Mima & PoPo gave him for Christmas and gave him a book to to look at while doing the job and he was very happy. He's a book guy in the bathroom, just like his parents.
So Brittany and Josh came this Saturday to my parents' house because Josh had a motorcycle thing (Brittany came because of Evan). Evan and I got up early on Sunday and drove back to Phila so I could meet with our accountant about tax stuff. Evan was so mad that we had to leave. He asked for Aunt Brittany the first 5 minutes in the car and when I looked at him in the rear view mirror he was giving me mean face. We missed 2 Easter egg hunt invitations on Sunday - one with Dan, Mel & Elizabeth and other with Mark, Danielle, Colin & Avery - all because of my tax appointment, but I really had to get it done that day. Later that night Mike, Evan and I walked to a new restaurant down the street "Holy Smoke" for a family dinner and then to the ice cream store. Our Evan is such busy monkey!
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