Noah is 6 months!

Look at our little imp!

Look at him again.

And Again...


The last 2 remind me of the movie Overboard when Kurt Russell was showing Goldie Hawn doctored wedding pics, trying to convince her they were married. Noah's face looks like hers in those shots. Mouth open, confused expression.

You can't tell here, but he really is the most happiest person on earth. He loves everybody and everything. He's been at the fireworks this summer and didn't flinch. The Acme check-out lady could pick him up and bring him home and he'd be perfectly happy. Our realtor stopped over the other day and Noah started cracking up at her and put out his arms for her to carry him. He was in my arms at the time- wanting to transfer to her! Little punk. He gives everyone a big, toothless grin and if anyone smiles back at him he cracks up like they just told him the funniest joke. Oh he is cute. Even his hair... the softest, silkiest little baby fuzz you ever felt.

Well, here's the story on the milk. It's going away. Probably because Noah isn't much on nursing. My body knows it's hooked up to a machine and the supply just isn't there anymore. Marti told me the same thing happened to her at 6 mos. So on Noah's 6 mo. birthday (my and Mike's anniversary), I had to give Noah formula. He made this awful face and only drank about a half ounce. Mike tried feeding him later on that night and he drank a bottle then puked it up all over Mike (I was in the kitchen making dinner, crying... feeling so badly for my baby). Poor Noah is used to human milk and his little body didn't know what to do with something that was cow milk based. I tasted it and it was yuck. It had this awful metallic flavor. Tears were streaming down my face with that first bottle and I kept apologizing to him. So then we tried Earths' Best Organic and Noah tolerates it. The key word is tolerates. Also, it's making him constipated and he's been spitting up a lot more. I can't wait to see what it's going to do to his poops. I'm still giving him as much breast milk as I can, but I don't know for how long unless Noah starts nursing again to bring back the supply.

Also, Noah has been eating rice cereal since a week before his 6 mo. mark (and now oatmeal and squash). I grind up some banana for him now and again since he's been eating that since (sshhhh 5 months). It's funny because babies develop their palate partially from what you eat and they get through your breast milk. That's probably why Evan doesn't eat a lot of meat, because by the time he was a few months old I wasn't eating meat... Just fish. And Evan really likes seafood. He eats chicken and pork on occasion, as long as it doesn't have breading on it, but he's not much into red meat, except for an occasional pepperoni or hamburger and Very Rarely does Evan ever eat a hamburger. That most likely came from me. So now I eat everything with Noah, so it will be interesting to see what he ends up liking. Right now it's everything. He's been trying to grab food out of my hand and shove it in his mouth since he was 3 months.

But I have to give Evan some credit. He did try my homemade chili. He promised me he would when I told him I was going to put it in the crock pot. And he did. He took 2 bites and said "Yum. It's very good!" So asked him to take another bite and he said "No thank you!" I guess it wasn't THAT good. But that's how we usually get him. I always ask that he tries something once and if he likes it - awesome. If not, then don't eat it. At least you tried it and you know. Then we try again in a few months and keep our fingers crossed. It seems to work for now, but then again our boy is getting older and is much better with eating then he used to be. I can't take all the credit. I have to give some to the tv that distracts him enough to sneak things past him sometimes. That's us Cronins. We sit around the dinner table and eat dinner while staring at Phineas and Ferb.