So I picked up Evan from school one day and we stopped at a bench on the way home. Evan whispered something in Noah's ear. I asked him what he told his brother and he said, "I told Noah that Evelyn is the most prettiest girl in the whole world."
WHAT!!!! It took all my willpower not to make a big deal out of it. "Yes, Evelyn is pretty." I agreed, but I was freaking out on the inside. It was the first time I ever heard Evan say anything like that without being prompted. Milely Cyrus is one thing, but I think it's just because Mike and I make such a big deal out of it. When we got home, Evan whispered in my ear as I took off his shoes in the mudroom, "Evelyn patted me on my head today." He was giddy! My 3 year old has a crush!
Not only that, but Evan's best friend at school is Naomi. If anything I thought it would be her. Ms. Catie tells me they play together all the time. Evan even told me,"Naomi does silly things that the other kids don't do." I asked him like what - does she say silly things? And Evan replied, "Yes, and she pretends to fall on the ground - that's silly! The other kids don't do that." Today he told me, "Naomi knows my name." Apparently, Evan doesn't really even hang out with Evelyn. Okay...
Here's another funny preschool story. Actually, it starts out not so funny. Evan got sick at school. We walked there in the morning. He jumped on the rocks... no hint of what's to come. So he got there and apparently didn't want to participate in anything. He looked tired and didn't play. They took his temp and it was high. They called me. I didn't answer. My stupid phone was buried somewhere. Then Evan threw up. All over. Noah and I innocently came to pick him up and the teachers greeted me at the lunchroom door where all the kids were eating, but Evan. He was passed out asleep on a couch in the corner, laying on a huge teddy bear in his spare set of clothes. The back of his little head was facing me and his arms were wrapped around the bear. I can't even describe to you how my heart broke and how adorable and sad he looked on that couch. It took a lot to wake him and I had to make him walk to the car since I couldn't carry him with Noah strapped on the front of me in the Bjorn.
I made Evan a bed on the couch when we got home and we watched tv and read until his nap. This is what he told me, "I threw up all over Ella, a girl with long, yellow hair." Oh no! Ella's parents probably want to kill me for sending my sick kid to school and who in turn, threw up all over their daughter.
I wrote an email to the school and asked about poor little Ella, whose hair was long, yellow and curly now. A few nights later at the school harvest party Ms. Kathy, the director laughed when I approached her. Evan had thrown up on his teacher, Ms. Bethany, whose hair is long, blonde and stick straight. No curls. She had been carrying him at the time! She was coated in vomit and had to go up to the thrift store on the second floor to purchase a $2 outfit that she wore the rest of the day.
When I told Evan that his one teacher's name was Bethany, he cracked up and was like O that's right! Her name is Bethany... I thought it was Ella!
Apparently there is an Ella in his class too. And as for Evan, he's never sick more than a few hours. The very next day he was jumping off the couch, telling me he's bored.
Also, speaking of the school's harvest party, it was a few nights after Evan was sick. I wasn't going to go at first since Mike was traveling, Evan was recovering, and it was bitter cold. but we went anyway and I'm so glad we did. I threw the kids in their costumes and warm clothes, put Noah in his stroller - and we were off! It was dark and the families were told to bring flashlights. We roasted our own hot dogs and marshmallows, there were games, tons of food. It was small - it's a small school, but it was fun. We saw Evelyn, dressed as a princess! She said, "Hi, Evan!" and Evan smiled shyly and turned his head away. Then he threw up on her. Just kidding!
Noah fell asleep in his chicken costume and we walked home down Main St. in the dark with the sound of kids blowing whistles in the distance (the whistles were some of the prizes... every kid wanted a whistle). It was a magical, crisp, Halloween-feeling night. I just wish Mike could've been there to share it with us!
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