Happy Halloween, love us

We really know how to do Halloween over here!

This is how we greeted everyone at the door. These costumes. Free. Except for Noah's wig, which I ordered by recommendation of Aunt Brittany. The rest I dug up while Evan and Mike were at swimming class (Mike was learning how to doggie paddle).

What we didn't get a picture of is the jack-o-lantern Evan and I carved one really warm night when Mike was away and Noah was sleeping. We went outside and carved it in the driveway and played for a while before bed. The jack-o-lantern is on the second step, cropped out of this picture! I toasted the pumpkin seeds, which is my most favorite part of Halloween and ate them all in one night.

Fireman 2.0 with his grandparents. Notice he's not wearing the same jacket from last year. I found the stupid thing during swim class while I was digging in the basement for costumes for me and Mike. By that time we already opened the new one we bought to replace it. We already had the boots (Ev's rain boots) and 5 fire helmets to choose from. Now we have six and another fire man jacket.

The aunts, uncles and cousins came over early for pizza and some Rocky Horror Picture Show on Mike's new tv. Then we all went out trick-or-treating! CMCH is the place to be for Halloween. There were hundreds of kids out!

Noah changed from soul brother to chicken.

Check out Mike's costume. He's wearing the afro I wore last year, some beads (mine) around his neck, my sunglasses, a hippy shirt and some flip-flops. Noah was an angel. He loves that wagon! We take it to drop Evan off at school. It works perfectly for Noah with the seats and seatbelts.

The aunts take pictures.

And we're off to trick-or-treat!

Jessica and her friend met us in the middle - both dressed as Lady Gaga!

Here's the aftermath at our house where my mom inspects the candy bags.

Noah stays up late.

Mike and Evan go out for more candy. They come back cold and exhausted. Meanwhile we ran out of candy and had to turn kids away!

A few days before Halloween:

Dinnertime is always scary.

Hello, I'm overexposed... and still cute.

AND THEN WE DID IT AGAIN THE NEXT NIGHT. In a different neighborhood by my parents' house. We had the same crowd, but Sarah, Aunt Ella, Uncle Larry and Uncle Tom were able to join us too. There were some incredible haunted house stuff. I'm talking evil laboratories, robotic skeletons that speak to you and know your name. We're going to have to step it up a bit at our house next year for Evan. He's really into that scary stuff.

Evan destroyed everyone's nice, neat leaf piles.

No costumes for me and Mike this time.

There was an afterparty at my parents' house. We went back for sandwiches, CANDY and the kids got their annual Halloween pineapples from my mom. Olivia got a pomegranate since pineapple hurts her mouth.