Momma has been waiting for this moment for a loooong time.

Today I was talking to Erik from work on speaker phone. I was sitting on the couch next to Evan, who was on his back on the chaise part of the couch. The phone was laying between us. Evan kept reaching for the phone as Erik spoke. He then ROLLED OVER onto his stomach and grabbed the phone! I started yelling 'Yay! Yay!'. Erik was like 'uh, what?'. I flipped Evan back onto his back and he did it again! I then grabbed the camera and called daddy (his work voicemail picked up). I put Mike's voicemail on speaker and tried to coax Evan to rollover again while I filmed. Evan came close, but no cigar and I used up all the memory on Mike's camera. However.... not soon afterward, I put up Evan for his nap - on his back. When I do that, he always rolls to the left, sucking on his paci and stares at the pattern on his crib bumper until he falls asleep, which is what he did. Two hours later I hear grunting on the baby monitor. I figure 'oh, Evan's awake. I'll go get him' and I walk in to find him propped up on both hands, his chest raised like he was trying to crawl ON HIS BELLY!

Here is a picture of our little stinker after a proud day of rolling over. I put him to bed after this shot. Evan's usually always facing the other direction in the morning. He somehow scootches himself around until his head is facing the opposite side of the crib. But who knows, maybe I'll find him flipped over when he wakes up! We shall see...