Dinner with Danielle, Mark and Uncle Bill

Mike and I met Danielle, Mark and Uncle Bill for dinner on Friday night at Buddakan. We had a great time even if it was short. Grandmom babysat for us and took Evan to the park so that he could swing on the swings. He kept staring at the big kids and thought that he was a big kid too. My mom said he tried to befriend two little redhead kids. She couldn't tell if one was a girl or a boy, but they were both dirty from playing. Next year Evan will be covered in dirt too!

Mmmmm. Swings are yummy.

After dinner we met Grandmom & Evan on the street since they were just heading back from the park. Evan sat on Daddy's shoulders on the trip back to the house. Notice the smooth face of daddy! No beard! It's Evan's bedtime here so he has sleepy eyes.