Happy 7-Month Birthday EVAN!!

We couldn't agree which one was cuter - so we put up both! Here's Evan's 7 month update: He's now eating solids twice a day consisting of rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes and as of today - apples! We also let him suck on whatever fruit or vegetable we happen to be eating at the time. He can sit up for longer periods of time now, rolls around all over the place, can stand when holding onto something for support, and pushes your hand away when he doesn't want it. He has two big teeth and may be pushing out more on the top judging his swollen gums. He loves baths, walks, people, chickens, paper - really anything. He rides in his stroller with his feet propped up on the tray like he owns the place. He stares and laughs at the kids at the playground and really seems to want to play with them. We make friends wherever we go! He's the best. Our Evan.