Our Trip to VA

I know it's been a long time and I've gotten yelled at for not updating the blog for a very long time, but we've been so busy. And I'm so tired from carrying around this new baby BOY that the last thing I want to do is get on the ol' computer after chasing around Evan and Noah all day. Yes, it's a BOY! Can you believe it? What are we getting ourselves into? I am so outnumbered in our family. Anyway, we had so much fun in VA. We spent the first couple of days with Mima and PoPo. Then we spent the rest of the trip with the Giffords sans Mike G. who was away on business. Evan, Noah, Kate and Jack played and played and played everyday. We hardly even saw Evan and Jack because they were so busy running all around the house doing boy stuff. Poor little Noah tried to keep up with them! Little Kate was so adorable and greeted us with big brown eyes saying, "Hey Kookle! Hey Evan!" Kookle is "Uncle Michael". She kept pulling out her hair bows over and over again and would say, "Not again!" like it was a complete accident each time. One night all the kids danced around a battery powered dancing hamster that played a Pitbull song. I wish I had this on video to show. I also wish that I had some better pictures, but I had to rely on Mike's phone for pictures. Forgot the camera again! Here's what I got...

Me with my adorable niece!

Um I don't know what this is.
One day Kelly, Mike and the kids went to a playground. I was resting back at the Giffords.
When we left Kelly's house, Evan cried! Then he insisted that we were supposed to go back to Mima and PoPo's house. That I told him first Mima's, then Jack's, then back to Mima's. "YOU LIED TO ME!!" He cried. I swear I didn't lie!