Evan doing push-ups

I can't even do one! He's so strong. That's right, he's hovering above the floor and his knees aren't touching the ground. See the look of concentration on his face? He's either concentrating or pooping...

Oh my gosh, breaking news. Our boy is so darn active now. I don't know what happened to that quiet little newborn who would just send me smiles all day. I mean, he still smiles and all, but he's like a crazy little hyena. I got the brilliant idea a few nights ago that before bedtime, instead of me reading him a story in the glider as I feed him (it gets too dark early now for me to see the words), I thought it would be so nice if Mike and I could snuggle with Evan in our bedroom on the bed and wind down by each of us picking a story to read to him. Sounds beautiful, doesn't it? Try telling that to Evan. He climbed all over us and tried to do dive rolls off the bed. He bit his dad's nose as he read. He sank his little teeth in my chin and yelled over our voices as we read. We ended up just laughing our heads off, because Ziggy was NOT winding down. After storytime I took him to his room to sing a song and give him some milk and he fell asleep - all sweaty and such. Too funny... At one point during "storytime", he climbed all over me and kept biting my face.. He also didn't let me watch The Hills I looked at Mike and asked if he thought Evan had lead poisoning. Hopefully it's just his new top tooth coming in. Our baby is becoming a little boy all too quickly and I hope I can keep up with him.