Oooooh- spoooookie! I had to hold Mike's hand. He was so scared. This is the scene right after the UFO/alien scene.
We met some monsters...
...And an adorable little vampire (cat?). We took him home with us.
Rode a pony... $4- what a rip-off - they only took Evan around twice!
...And rode a fake pony. It moved much faster than the real one and this one was FREE to ride.
There was this huge dirt pile called "Money Mountain" where kids could dig for prizes such as jelly toys, those little tiny farm animals, plastic spiders, etc... all great stuff that a baby could choke on. We dug out prizes for Evan and hid them in our pockets. When we left the Cronins, Mike had decorated the inside of my car with prizes. There was a candy corn man sitting on the speedometer.
We also rode the train.
We rode the Foot Truck too. It was really stinky. Oops... The "Big" in the word Big Foot was cut out of this shot. hehehe
We went down these big slides too... "Miner's Mountain" and another one that I can't remember the name. It was so cute watching Evan's hair blowing in the breeze as he went down!
You can see one of the slides here in the background. I wonder if Daddy and Evan know they are about to be swallowed whole by an enormous spooky ghost?!
Evan hung out in a "ghost" town...
And was thrown in jail for hijacking the Foot Truck.
We bailed him out and hung out in a REAL pumpkin patch. No, this isn't in the Acme parking lot this time!
We left and arrived at the grandparents' for a delicious taco fiesta with all the family. Here is the ONLY picture that we took during the whole thing. Aunt Kelly was wearing some very nice boots that you can't see in this photo. Woo! I'm outta breath from typing so much.
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