Tree climbing...

... In flip flops. Evan calls them slip-slops. He sometimes likes to wear his snow boots too.

Here's some other random stuff...

My mom and Evan made me two pineapple upside down cakes for my birthday (we always get to request a special dessert on our birthdays - I usually pick black-bottomed cupcakes or chocolate chip cake, but I had the urge for this). Evan is holding a weed in his hand that he picked for me for my birthday.

And look! Evan's little garden is in full bloom! Wow - Those tomatoes look store-bought!

And one of the pepper plants grew a banana! Evan and I really had Grandmom going. Ok, so the pepper and tomato plants aren't doing so hot, but the basil plants are beautiful and I picked a bunch to make bruschetta for the bbq tomorrow.